
With the over whelming and in time avid adoption of e-Commerce, organizations at every level are in consensus to seek and develop business with new and fresh opportunities using the Internet and various telecommunications systems. And as e-Commerce becomes more widespread with this move, organizations at the same time know and need to streamline internal communications and processes as well through ICT. Though some companies have successfully implemented solutions to this challenge with the latest systems there are yet others who have to maintain legacy applications to jump on the bandwagon.

Again with the emergence of mobile commerce (m-commerce) there is again a further challenge to business systems and operations. This technology allows a Customer to enquire about stock availability, order products, receive real-time available-to-promise (ATP) dates and order confirmation via a mobile device (i.e. mobile telephone).

Though there are many factors that influence the success of an e-solution project, the key issues revolve around the systems and physical operations. Therefore those people responsible for ensuring that businesses have the applications need to function effectively and grow are under real pressure as to know and decide when and how to phase out the old and introduce the new.

Finding the right approach for any major software project is a challenge. Different organizations have different approaches to developing and managing their made- to-measure applications and off-the-shelf software. Through our consulting services, XSoft supports that organization seeking to outsource entire software projects and processes, and also those seeking additional support for their own resources. A consulting service project undertaken with XSoft starts with a needs analysis, making sure that we fully understand your requirements and the results you need to achieve. For maximum effectiveness, we will work together with you make sure that our resources are going to complement yours. We have alliances with the world’s leading and most respected ICT software companies, yet we maintain our independence at all times, giving us the freedom to select the most suitable product and technology combinations for our clients.

Is your business ready for this e-challenge? Consulting XSoft can help you select and integrate new systems and methods within your Customer Service and Distribution Operations.